The Lawson North development site (145 hectares) is set in an established area of Canberra, ACT and is located approximately nine kilometres from the Central Business District. The project will significantly contribute to the Defence provisioning requirement in this location, providing homes to ADF members and their families over the next ten years.
The site is currently in the planning and design stage, including the required environmental referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The referral under the EPBC Act was lodged with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on 1 August 2022.
On 7 October 2022, DHA received notification from the DCCEEW that the project would require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the EPBC Act.
As part of the preparation for the draft EIS, DHA have redesigned the development to address DCCEEW’s concerns regarding the level of impact on biodiversity and heritage values and to respond to public comments to the referral.
On 23 January 2024, the DCCEEW wrote to DHA advising that they have accepted the variation to the proposed plan. DHA will progress the draft EIS as guided by DCCEEW with an estimated completion of late 2024.
A significant portion of the 144-hectare site will be preserved for conservation. Extensive investigations into flora and fauna, heritage and contamination continue to be undertaken to ensure environmental assets are protected and that the site is ready for the proposed works.
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